made the off-hand remark during a speech at the White House dedicated to
promoting his health care reforms to a young audience. He joked that whilst he
couldn’t use Apple’s smartphone his daughters spent enough time on theirs.
In 2008, prior to his inauguration, Obama famously said of his
BlackBerry smartphone that the government would have to “pry it out of my
hands”. Luckily, the firm has long had a reputation for creating secure
devices, thanks to its default use of encryption on all messages.
Despite the Canadian smartphone manufacturer’s near non-existent
sales (research from Kantar suggests that
the company accounts for just 0.8 per cent of the market in the US) the devices
remain popular with American authorities.
In August this year they were even awarded the prestigious “authority to operate”
certification by the US Department of Defense, becoming the first smartphone to
receive such a statement of confidence.
Despite this, many tech commentators have pointed out that if
anyone knows a thing or two about smartphone security it’s the Obama
administration. Earlier this year allegations were raised that
the US had been tapping the mobile phones of a 35 world leaders including
German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
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