Essex council obtained an order allowing them to sedate the woman
against her will before taking her daughter and placing it into care.
The Italian woman, who was in Britain on a work training course,
claims she had not even been warned that she would be given a caesarean. It is
not believed a natural birth would have posed a risk to her or the child's
Social workers argue they were acting in the best interests of the
baby, who is now 15 months old, and are refusing to hand her back to the mother
despite claims that she has made a complete recovery, The Sunday Telegraph reports.
Brendan Fleming, the woman’s British lawyer, told the newspaper:
'I have never heard of anything like this in all my 40 years in the job.
'I can understand if someone is very ill that they may not be able
to consent to a medical procedure, but a forced caesarean is unprecedented.
'If there were concerns about the care of this child by an Italian
mother, then the better plan would have been for the authorities here to have
notified social services in Italy and for the child to have been taken back
The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, reportedly
suffered a panic attack while staying at a hotel which her relatives believe
was a result of her failing to take medication for a pre-existing bi-polar
She called the police and was taken to a psychiatric hospital
where she was sectioned under the mental health act.
The baby was born five weeks later after which the mother returned
to Italy.
The case has since escalated into an international legal row with
an Italian High Court judge questioning whether British care proceedings should
have been applied to the child of an Italian citizen.
In February the mother requested the return of her daughter at a
hearing at Chelmsford Crown Court.
Despite hearing that she had resumed taking her medication, the
judge ruled the baby should be placed up for adoption because of the risk that
the mother might suffer a relapse.
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